Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Blog

This is a sample to show my husband how to write a blog! He writes computer code all day but doesn't play with the applications, that is my field!
Any response would be fun.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Home from Guam

I just returned from my second tour of duty in Guam. I was supposed to teach a class at Pacific Islands University, but it was cancelled due to low enrollment. I was able to help out at the university for 3 weeks. I was also able to have some fun. Had several tours of the island that were eye-opening. So much history in so small a place.
I was able to do some beach walking and saw wonderful plants and animals. Check out the web page www.guamreeflife.com.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Amy is home

Amy arrived home early this morning after a 11 drive home in the rain, wind, and fog of December. Armin flew to LA where Amy picked him up and they drove back together. Her car is having trouble, so Daddy wanted to make sure she got back home safely. Don't know how long she will be here, but we are both glad to see her. It will also give her time to visit Oma and Opa.

Monday, December 13, 2010

December already?

This year has flown by. I don't know if it is because of my age or if it is because of the world in which we live. I follow a blog of a young lady who has the heartbeat of her generation in her hand. She understands the fast pace in which we live. To what is that attributed?

Can I live a day without my cell phone, computer, iTouch, telephone, or radio? We don't have television, and I don't miss it most of the time. (I did make Armin set it up for the Olympics!)How often do we get concerned when we can't reach someone for more than an hour? Remember when we would go weeks without hearing from a loved one? Now, if that person is not reached we start to worry. I think we have more worries than the previous generation.

So how do we combat it? Much of our stress/worry is self-inflicted. By that I mean, we bring it on ourselves. Can we go a day without hearing from someone? Do we always have to be tuned to the pulse of the world? I think if we just start taking life one day at a time, as God says, we will be better off.

Now, can I do this? I am going to run an experiment over my Christmas break and see what happens. I'll keep ya'll posted.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rube, Rest in Peace

My Congregational Leader/Rabbi Richard "Rube" Rubinstein, passed away November 3rd. He fought a hard fight with cancer. It is hard to let go, but he is in a much better place. He is not in any pain, and he doesn't have to go through any more troubles here on earth.
Rube was always very nice and kind to me and my family. He always treated us with the utmost respect and we felt a kindred with him and his wife, Shari. He had a good heart for others and will be remembered that way.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010

This is terrible. I have not posted anything for a year! Yikes. I didn't think any one read this blog, but found out differently yesterday. (Thanks, John).

I return to school tomorrow for the 2010-2011 school year. Last school year was good, but quite busy. My school, a public, alternative home study charter, has had low enrollment. We have not laid off any teachers but our "caseloads" are not as big as a few years ago. We work with students on a one-on-one basis and are paid according to number of students we serve. I ended last year with 19 students, high for me, but am starting tomorrow with 9, quite low. We always get more students at the quarter and semester breaks. The parents see their child is not doing well and moves him/her to our program for the individual attention. Often it is a good move.

I had a great summer. I traveled all across the states. June was Rhode Island to visit my brother and his family, July was Illinois to visit Leslie S, then her mom, Patty, then to Oregon to attend the wedding of my cousin's daughter. It was busy but not stressful at all.

I feel rested and ready to tackle another school year.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

We are now in the third week of school. Students are settling in to a routine and classes are going well. We are getting new students, good for us.
Alternative education is a good way for many students to complete their credits for high school and still receive a good education.
Our school http://charter.edcoe.org tells about our school.
Questions cheerfully answered.